
SC 'not happy' with Srinivasan presiding working committe meeting

The Supreme Court has asked sidelined BCCI president N Srinivasan to explain why he had chaired the board's working committee meeting and submit it by February 27

N Srinivasan speaks at a press conference, Mumbai, September 27, 2012

'His position after this judgement is vulnerable' - Supreme Court  •  AFP

The Supreme Court has asked sidelined BCCI president N Srinivasan to explain why he had chaired the board's working committee meeting and submit it by February 27.
"We are not happy with N Srinivasan," the Apex Court said. "He should understand the spirit of our order. His position after this judgement is vulnerable. He should not have presided over the working committee meeting."
This was in response to Aditya Verma, the petitioner in the IPL corruption case, questioning Srinivasan's presence at the meeting.
Kapil Sibal, Srinivasan's lawyer, argued the interim orders given first on and March 28 and then on May 16 last year had stated that Srinivasan had to step aside as BCCI president until the investigation into the IPL corruption case was completed. Now that the probe was over, Sibal said, Srinivasan could attend the board's meetings.
But Nalini Chidambaram, CAB legal counsel, highlighted the fact that there was no time limit imposed in the interim orders and that final order in January was a "declaratory judgment" that disqualified Srinivsan from holding the post of president because of conflict of interest.